App Studio - Ribbon

Stretching across the top of the App Studio window, you will find the Ribbon:

Picture showing the App Studio Ribbon.

The Ribbon provides easy access to many of the features and options of the program, spread across five tabs – File, Home, Design, View and Publish. The File tab looks and works differently to the other tabs and clicking on it displays the File menu which fills the whole of the App Studio window. The remaining tabs display their options across the top of the window as shown in the picture above - with each tab containing groups of commands or options. The current tab has its name highlighted and you can display the options on another tab by clicking on the name of the tab you want. The items available on each tab may vary according to the current context and options which are not relevant or available at the current time may be displayed dimmed or be hidden.


To choose an item on the Ribbon, simply click on it. Some items act like buttons on a standard toolbar, others display sub-menus or options. Buttons can be of two types – the standard buttons perform a particular action when clicked on, such as copying, others are split-buttons which have a default action when you click on the top half of the button and display a sub-menu of choices when you click on the bottom half.


You can increase the space available for working in the window by hiding the Ribbon's buttons and options and display only the tab labels. To do this, double-click on the name of the current tab. You can temporarily redisplay the full Ribbon by clicking on a tab name, which will allow you to access the buttons and options on that tab and will automatically re-hide the tab when you finish. Alternatively, you can click on a tab name and hold down the mouse button which will display the Ribbon until you release the mouse button outside the Ribbon. You can also hide and redisplay the Ribbon by right-clicking on it and choosing Minimize the Ribbon.


Information about most items on the Ribbon can be displayed, in the form of extended tooltips, by holding the mouse pointer over the item or see App Studio - The Ribbon Buttons.